Graphic Designers

Client: Graphic Designers - Facebook Public Group.

With the aid of AI tools we set out to make a social media inspired post video using readily available and free software to promote a public group Facebook page in New Zealand.


  • Krea.AI - intro and outro video generation and composite effects
  • ChatGPT - creating lyrics for song
  • Suno - music generation
  • Removal.AI - remove foreground elements
  • Leonardo.AI - image generation


  • Flip-a-Clip - 2D animation for rotoscoping.
  • Filmmaker - Graphic compositing.
  • Blender - Compositing and 3D effects.
  • Gimp2.0 - 2D image manipulation software.
  • Audacity - audio manipulation.
  • Google Search - for word search to improve song lyrics.
  • Google Drive - storage medium.


January 28, 2024 • 12:45PM


February 12, 2023 • 8:41PM