Is AI the end for design?

AI is paving the way for unique designs by retaining the look and feel of high-end design without the cost.

Making numerous website mock-ups for a client's approval is a laborious task. Typically, this would either come at the cost of a reluctant client or at the cost of the designer. That is no longer true today with the advent of artificial intelligence. We use AI daily to improve our daily workflow and better understand our clients needs. We do this with speed and efficiency never experienced before. Below is a brief look into how I created two conceptual designs using AI.

In the initial meeting with our client I begin to gauge parameters for a working design. Once I have a good understanding of my clients requirements, I would then use image creation AI to start concept designs by creating short sentences guided by the initial meeting. These sentences form a prompt that AI uses to quickly create these designs. This process is quick and what would take days to complete can be done in minutes. After choosing a good concept, it is further refined by adding other AI generated imagery such as the banner photo and logo.  Below are two recent images I presented to a client of an accountancy firm.



Each design consists of three generated AI images: a succinct photograph for the banner; a new logo concept; and a website design. I then make small adjustments to add a logo and some text.


The banner photographs were chosen to closely resemble the image of my client as I would later take my client on a outdoor photoshoot to closely resemble the banner. Back in my studio I may decide to use the entire photograph or superimpose my client into these images. If the client is comfortable, I may just superimpose my clients face into the AI generated photo.

The advantage of creating the banners and the website mock-ups in AI is that they are unique. Mixed Jungle is a CX design agency and it is important for us to provide our clients with a great experience. Whereas, traditional website design on a budget could only afford template or "cookie-cutter" designs.


December 11, 2023 • 11:42AM


June 6, 2024 • 10:15AM